Open Air Movie

In my english class today,

we discussed about Open Air Movie (in Indonesia, called Layar Tancep) which was available in Ancol, Jakarta.
But now, it's already close.

We can watch Open Air Movie from our car and people like to go there.
But oh la la!
Layar Tancep is close because of the teenager (or should I write, adolescent) use it for wrong purpose!
In Indonesia, we say it "mobil goyang".

I know this post is not important, but my teacher made this topic as our assignment.
What a silly teacher!

Clue : we call him, Mr. Love. (Always talk about love and his pointless idea.)
He has an American accent, not British accent like the other teacher have.
I just want to share this with you, and please add your comment in comment box...

merci beaucoup!